Thursday, August 21, 2014


Michael Brown's article from Spiritdaily, Aug 21st 2014, entitled "The Astonishing Origin of America's Greatest Abortion Provider is a Dark One Indeed" hits the nail on the head about Planned Parenthood.

It is quite telling of this organization's evil roots and operation. Please pray for the employees of PP and their families; for their conversion and that they see the Light.

Read Here


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Planned Parenthood of the Fingerlakes Alarming Statitistics

If you look at the Fingerlakes Planned Parenthood “Time to Build” website page, you’ll see some alarming statistics.



These quotes from the webpage show why the Corning area needs to immediately establish a Pro-Life Family Center.  We need to offer real services to our community as an alternative to the devastation that Planned Parenthood delivers:


“Today, PPSFL operates five health centers across the Southern Finger Lakes region, in Ithaca, Elmira, Corning, Hornell, and Watkins Glen.  Our award-winning educators visit schools, places of worship, and community centers in every county we serve…”


Planned Parenthood is very successful in reaching out to teens and ‘tweens, many who are not in any way seeking a warped view of sexuality.  And unsuspecting parents in our area are sending their kids off to school, Summer Cohesion, YMCA, Big Brother/Big Sister, Girl Scouts, and other youth groups without any idea that their children are being indoctrinated by Planned Parenthood!


“In 2012,…programming staff reached almost 14,000 people with essential information about sexuality, decision-making, sexual assault, and much more…Some providers offer some of the services we provide at PPSFL, but there is no single agency in our four-county region that provides all of the services that PPSFL does for all patients, regardless of income or insurance coverage. 


Unfortunately, we know that three new “state of the art” comprehensive agencies here soon!  Planned Parenhood will gain the trust of our youth in schools and youth programs, and they will even be given free contraception.  When the contraception fails (as we know it does because more than 50% of girls who seek abortion report that they were using contraception at the time they became pregnant) then our local Planned Parenthood will be ready to step in and provide chemical abortions up to 7 weeks, and surgical abortions up to the very time of delivery. (The cost escalates with the length of gestation.)  Our youth will be victims of the very organization that works so hard to encourage them to experiment with their sexuality!




Here are some revealing statistics from the Fingerlakes Planned Parenthood website.  All are from 2012, the most recent year that the government requires them to release.  


·         69% of Planned Parenthood clients are 150% below poverty level


Margaret Sanger’s dream of eliminating “undesirables” continues to be Planned Parenthood’s mission here in the Corning area!  The children of the poor are being eliminated every day!


·         1,178 abortions in the 4 county area


This is an enormous number of abortions for an area that is lightly populated! What’s worse is that this number will undoubtedly increase dramatically when surgical abortions become available in Corning and girls will no longer have to travel to Binghamton for an abortion!

              ·         Less than 32% of patients have private insurance


More than two-thirds of the clients who turn to Planned Parenthood are being paid for by taxpayers! 




According the Planned Parenthood’s TIME TO BUILD webpage, the fundraising project is in Phase II.  The website lists donors for each phase:


Not surprisingly, Corning Inc. and its executives are listed as donors along with the Community Foundation of Thompkins, and Community Foundation of Elmira-Corning.  (Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was connected to the Houghton family who founded Corning Incorporated.)



·         M& T Bank

·         Legacy

·         CSP Management (a realty firm in Ithaca)

·         Vector Magnetics (providing services and instruments for the drilling industry)



·         J.M. McDonald Foundation is also listed (a foundation serving the New York region, apparently with ties to Cornell University)



·         Numerous individuals

·         7 anonymous donors

More information will follow as it is released by Planned Parenthood.  At this time, their website states that work to the Corning facility is scheduled for “late 201

Healing After Abortion

It’s hard to imagine a pain greater than that experienced by a mother or father after aborting their child, but we know that the Blessed Mother experienced unparalleled suffering as she watched her Son die on the cross. The Blessed Mother knows the depth of all suffering, and when Jesus entrusted her to us from the cross, she became our Mother too.  The most loving and tenderhearted of mothers, she always goes “in haste” to Jesus whenever a child asks for her help.  Mary is united with Jesus in wanting us to be united with Him, so there is no sin that can keep us away from God!  Let us turn to our heavenly Mother in our sorrow and our pain, knowing that she will bring us immediately to Jesus, who grants His Mother’s every request.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

New York committee kills Gov. Cuomo’s radical abortion expansion bill

A bill championed by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo that would have radically expanded abortion in the state has died in a Republican-controlled state Senate committee. The Reproductive Health Act (S. 438), introduced by Democratic conference leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, failed a vote in the Senate Health Committee by a party-line vote of 9-7.

Read the rest Here

Friday, January 31, 2014

A Splendid Fitting Quote

“Let us today ask Saint Paul to give us …apostolic courage, this spiritual fervor, so that we might be confident. “But Father, (you might say), “we might make mistakes…”“Well, what of it,” I might respond, “Get on with you: if you make a mistake, you get up and go forward: that is the way. Those who do not walk in order not to err, make the more serious mistake.” (Pope Francis)

Congressman: Seeing My Son Respond to My Voice in the Womb Made Me Pro-Life

Congressman Mark Meadows from North Carolina gave a moving speech during th edebate leading up to the passage of a bill that would ban taxpayer financing of abortions. For the article in full you can read  Here

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Greed, Fear, and The Holy Innocents

When Herod ordered the murder of all the male Hebrew babies up to age two, those babies who died because of Christ became known as “The Holy Innocents”.  Since the legalization of abortion in America in 1973, more than 50 million babies have died from abortion and are today’s “Holy Innocents”.   There are some startling resemblances and differences between the two.
An estimated 4,000 Hebrew babies died because of one man’s fear and greed.  Filled with greed and envy, Herod misused his power.  His decree was a desperate act to eliminate a child who he feared would become his political rival.  As a result, the slain babies have been remembered for more than 2,000 years.   Herod’s evil act created the first of thousands upon thousands of red martyrs who have died for Jesus.  One can only imagine the horror and shock of the parents of these babies.  The Bible only tells us that “Rachel would not be consoled”. 
 It seems ironic that nearly the same number of babies that died at Herod’s decree die each day in America through abortion, very sadly, with the assent of their mothers.  Abortion is legal because of the greed of an industry making millions of dollars in profit each year.   Mothers turn to abortion for a very different reason - fear.  In most cases, the father has either abandoned the mother or is pressuring her to abort.  She fears the loss of the relationship if she doesn’t comply.  She fears parenting on her own. She fears losing her job or that the demands of parenting will force her to quit work or school.  She fears the loss of her goals and dreams, having to depend on the government for her very existence, and being plunged in poverty.  She fears disappointing her parents, being thrown out of her home and disowned.  And because women who abort report that they would have continued the pregnancy if they had had just one person to turn to for encouragement and emotional support, it is clear that the mothers seeking abortion fear isolation and abandonment most of all.  In the end, though, when a person kills her own child, she ends up feeling like a monster and this isolates her from everyone.  Common after-effects of abortion may include but are not limited to self-loathing, depression, alcohol and drug abuse, failure to bond with others, self-destructive behaviors, and sleep disorders.
Aborted babies will likely be remembered in history in the same way that the Hebrew babies are remembered - as innocents whose deaths were sanctioned by an unjust government.  As Bishop Fulton Sheen said, “Laws are only laws when they comply with the will of God.”  Since it is God who creates life and who told us, “Thou shall not kill”, we know that the destruction of these children is a grievous violation against His law.  And yet, our nation’s Democratic party promotes abortion as a plank of its platform. Like Herod, greed and fear of the loss of power motivate the Democratic party to promote the murder of our nation’s unborn babies.
Still, the blood of our aborted babies can not be restricted to the shoulders of the parents of the babies, the abortion workers, and the politicians who defend abortion.   Just as when our country allowed slavery, our entire society bears the responsibility for an unjust law.  No one has the right to hurt women and kill babies, and everyone is called to defend the right to life.  
Jesus calls each of us to be Good Samaritans, offering help to parents who are contemplating abortion and to those who are suffering after abortion.  We must pray to Jesus for the conversion of abortion workers and all politicians who promote abortion.  We must be salt and light for the world.  If all Christians truly acted like followers of Christ, abortion would end and the world would be changed with His message of hope and help. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day 1 Novena for Life

Please join pro-lifers across the country in this very special 9 day Novena for life.

Day 1 starts today, Jan 18th and reflection and prayers can be found Here


The ever so "tolerant" Andrew Cuomo is not so tolerant with pro-lifers.

Read about it Here

Alabama PP closed on Dec 30 2013 due to suscipious activities

Birmingham Planned Parenthood Closed Under Suspicious Circumstances
Read about it Here

Frontline News!

Indiana Abortionist Criminally Charged After Failing to Report Statutory Rape on 13-Year-Old Girl
Read article Here

First Botched Abortion already in 2014

The first botched abortion in 2014 already occured on January 6th.

Read about it Here

A reflection from the Divine Intimacy

O that ungrateful men would remember how much we have cost our Savior! We were not redeemed at the price of gold or silver, but by Christ’s precious Blood. We no longer belong to ourselves, because Christ has paid a ransom for us. Jesus has every right to rule over us. He MUST reign. (1 Cor.15, 25)

Like the angels, we have been created for the glory of Christ. To glorify Jesus as our King is to live in docile submission to His gentle rule. His reign is one of love; out of love for us and to save us, He came down from heaven and became one of us. He died on the cross for the same reason, shedding all His Blood for us.

He reigns in the crib. He reigns from the height of the cross. Behold the price He paid to win our poor hearts, He who by His very nature was already our absolute ruler. Let us not resist the gentle violence of His infinite love; let us give ourselves entirely to Him, allowing Him to reign in our minds, our wills, and in our hearts.

O Lord, why did You have to abase Yourself to the obscurity of Bethlehem , to humiliate Yourself even to dying on the Cross, even to shedding all Your Blood in order to win my heart? My heart, my whole life, and all my being already belonged to You, because Your are my Creator and because I was created for Your glory. But You willed to forget all Your rights and You came to me like a beggar, seeking my poor heart.

O Jesus, how can I still resist Your infinite love? Take my heart; take my whole being and make me a living praise of Your glory.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Most Holy Name of Jesus

"We come to consider how this Infant, new born spiritually, shall be named. I think there is no name more fitting for him than Jesus, for Scripture says: He was called Jesus (Lk 2:21). This is the most sacred of all names. It was foretold by the prophets, announced by an angel, proclaimed by the Apostles, and desired by all the saints. O powerful name! O grace-filled and joyous name! O delightful and glorious name!

This name is powerful, because it brings down our enemies, restores our strength, and renews our mind. It is grace-filled, because in it contained the foundation of faith, the ground of hope, and the fulfillment of holiness. It is joyous, because it is gladness to the heart, music to the ear, honey to the tongue, and splendor to the mind. It is delightful, because it nourishes when it is recalled, soothes when it is uttered, and anoints when it is invoked, refreshes when it is written, and instructs when it is read. It is truly a glorious name, because it gives sight to the blind, makes the lame walk, brings hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb, and life to the dead. O blest name endowed with such powers!

Devout soul, whether you are writing, reading, or teaching or whatever you are doing - may nothing have taste for you, nothing please you, apart from Jesus. To the little Infant begotten in you spiritually, give the name Jesus; which means: Savior, amidst the miseries of this life. May he save you from the vanities of the world which entice you, from the deceits of the devil which surround you, and from the weakness of the flesh which torments you. Devout soul, amidst the many scourges of this life cry out:
           Jesus, Savior of the world, save us
                whom you have redeemed by your cross and blood.
           Help us, O Lord our God.
           Save us, sweet Jesus, our Savior.
           Strengthen the weak, comfort those who mourn,
           help the frail and give constancy to the faint-hearted."
                                                                                                  St. Bonaventure
                                                                                      From the Magnificat Jan 3rd, 2014 meditation of the day